Getting Started


Gocidashboard — is a responsive Web-Application UI Kit (HTML Admin Template), designed to be easily implemented to any web-application. It's build on Bootstrap 4 and uses Laravel Mix (a webpack wrapper) as a build tool.

Gocidashboard comes with Laravel Starter Kit and could be implemented into new and existing Laravel application in no time.

Laravel Starter Kit includes the following:

  • Ready-to-use webpack.mix.js and package.json;
  • Sample routes file;
  • All necessary Blade Views, including: auth pages, users list, user create/edit form, edit profile, etc;
  • Sample Controllers to manage users (CRUD) and update profile settings;


Gocidashboard is ready to use out-of-the-box, just copy compiled assets from /public/ directory to your project. If you want to customize the theme, you may use built-in NPM commands to re-compile theme assets.

Available NPM commands:

npm run watch
npm run dev
npm run production

To customize the build process, you'll need to edit the webpack.mix.js file. For more information, please visit the Laravel Mix official documentation.

Use gocidashboard in Laravel application

gocidashboard comes with Laravel Starter Kit and could be implemented into new and existing Laravel application in no time.

Please, note: All controllers and routes are provided just for an example, feel free to replace these files with your own.

To add gocidashboard into Laravel application, do the following:

  1. Scaffold default Laravel authentication by using the following command: php artisan make:auth and run migrations by php artisan migrate
  2. Update webpack.mix.js and package.json, see examples in /laravel/ folder
  3. Copy theme assets /laravel/resources/gocidashboard/ to /YOUR_APP/resources/gocidashboard/
  4. Copy views files /laravel/resources/views/ to /YOUR_APP/resources/views/
  5. Copy images from /laravel/public/img/ to /YOUR_APP/public/img/.
  6. Copy controllers from /laravel/controllers/ to /YOUR_APP/app/Http/Controllers/
  7. Update routes file, see /larave/routes/web.php as example
  8. Build assets by running npm install and npm run production